Academy District 20 Digital Campaign
The goal of the campaign was to increase district enrollment of “choice” students – or students who live in a nearby district but choose to attend District 20.
Target Audience
Using Nielsen Scarborough research, we determined our target audience was women between the ages of 30 and 54 within a 3-mile radius of schools in other local school districts.

Academy District 20 Digital Campaign
The goal of the campaign was to increase district enrollment of “choice” students – or students who live in a nearby district but choose to attend District 20.
Target Audience
Using Nielsen Scarborough research, we determined our target audience was women between the ages of 30 and 54 within a 3-mile radius of schools in other local school districts.
Marketing Approach
Using a robust digital marketing strategy that included Google display, responsive, and keyword-focused ads along with a paid Facebook advertising campaign, we targeted our audience with the message of why they should choose District 20 over their current district.
We monitored and adjusted messaging and graphics during the campaign to optimize key performance indicators, including impressions, conversions, cost per acquisition, and click-through rate. Display ads reached over 4M impressions and a .5% or higher click-through rate, and Facebook ads delivered more than 1.6M impressions and an average click-through rate of .7%. Overall, the campaign yielded 250 new choice students from outside districts, which added $2,000,000 in additional revenue for the district.
Strategy drives everything we do at AdPro. Our team members are closely aligned, working diligently together to help our clients exceed their objectives. Their wins are our wins.
- Camille Blakely, President – AdPro